
Creating a packaging system based on new technology. Meet Yangi, the groundbreaking new technology for cellulose rigid packaging, and move beyond single-use plastics. Join us in opening up new potentials for fibre-based materials.

A new packaging system


If the industry keeps producing plastic as we currently do, CO2 emissions will double to 85 million tons by 2050. The fact that only 10% of the world's plastic is being recycled is evidence that the system doesn't work. As a result, nature is flooded with plastic waste and 60% of this waste is caused by the plastic packaging industry.

Cellulose materials are a promising alternative that can replace plastics in 40% of rigid packaging products. Moreover, cellulose can be recycled back into packaging up to seven times.

Unfortunately, the existing wet moulding technology cannot economically compete with rigid plastic packaging. This is where Yangi makes a difference. With its high performance, low cost and environmental impact, Yangi can replace rigid plastic packaging without compromising quality or economy.

Yangi dry forming technology

Yangi® is a manufacturing technology for dry formed cellulose-based packaging. It is a result of more than 10 years of R&D work. By combining two technology platforms it is possible to go from paper pulp into ready-made packaging, in one machine line, using minimal amounts of water.

  • Recyclable materials compatible with existing recycling systems

  • Renewable raw materials from sustainable forests

  • Low energy & water consumption

  • Lower investment & compact machine solution

  • Efficient production with low cycle times


Paper pallet foot