Welcome Annika


Say hi to our colleague Annika Linder.


Welcome Annika, our Senior Needle Felst Specialist.

Hey there! Tell us a bit about yourself!
Brought up in Gothenburg, and after trying some other cities, I can call it my home again. I love to work with my hands and find new ways to create. Brought up in a practical family that always repaired things and take care of resources. 

What is your background? 
I have worked for 5 years as a Textile Engineer and Product Developer with the material nonwoven and specific needle felt in the manufacturing industry. Before that, I had a small business in product development working with used leather.

What do you wish to bring to The Loop Factory? 
My knowledge in textiles and especially needlefelt. A creative, curious, and methodical thinking that hopefully can contribute to the change we need to make if we want to take care of our planet. 

What attracted you to The Loop Factory? 
The fact that it´s a business that puts sustainability as a top priority! 
This is people that have got it! There is no other way to go than a circular economy. Who wouldn’t want to work with passionate people who love what they do and want to make a change? 

In what way do you want to be involved and contribute to a better world?
It is thrilling creating something new of old used material and giving it new life. I want to raise the awareness and respect for our resources. 

When not at work, what are you up to? 
I am trying to learn how to do carpeting. The object of this is an old crew shed or carriage that I try to give a new life. Otherwise, I love to go outdoors, create in textiles and discuss things with friends.

So far, how do you like your first time here at The Loop Factory?
It´s been great, exciting projects and warm and welcoming people!

Welcome Annika!

Annika Linder
Senior needle felt specialist


PFAS and recyclability
