Interview with Anna


Anna is sharing her story about her internship at The Loop Factory spring 2022.


Hi Anna!

You made your intership this spring at The Loop Factory, focusing on textiles and innovation, as a part of your education at Nordiska Textilakademin.

It’s been great to have you here, let’s talk about your thoughts on your time with us.

What have you done during your internship?
A lot of different things! No two days are alike - a cliché, but it's true. I have been involved in meetings and workshops, but also worked practically in the lab.

What have you learned?
How important circular innovation is for the future of the textile industry. Perspective on what it is like to work with circularity in practice, a continued understanding of how complex and how different it can look, but above all that it is possible with the right attitude and drive.

What do you bring from this time to your studies?
It has been very inspiring and fun. I have a curiosity and a thirst to learn more. A new approach and lessons learned on how innovation works and what opportunities there are. Then I will carry with me the joy and execution power that exists at The Loop Factory.

What has been most challenging?
Before I started at Loop, I had a rather pessimistic view of what is actually being done to drive change regarding the climate impact that the textile industry has on the environment. Thanks to the opportunity to participate in so many different parts of the operations, I have gained a different approach, not entirely optimistic, but most things are in fact possible if one dares to rethink.

What has been the most fun?
To be part of so many things, then I am weak for the practical side of the job, so I think it has been fun to be in the lab. Following processes from an idea and how a product is created is something completely different than reading about it in a textbook.

What is your advice for those who want to do an internship at The Loop Factory
My experience of having been here is that most things can be shaped according to your needs and wishes. Highlight your interests and what you want to get from your internship. Just dare to ask, no question is too small or large, or wrong.

How has the connection between your studies and the internships been?
I’ve been curious about circular innovation for a long time. Reading about it is something completely different than working with it. It's not just about what approaches there are today, at least as important is to see how it works in practice. It is usually not the path one thinks one needs to take that leads to a good result.

Now we wish you all the best Anna for your last year studying “Quality and Production Developer in Textiles, Fashion and Function”.


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